Gunja/Chirmi/Chirmi Seeds/Rosary Pea (9 PCS)
Price :
₹225.00 Product Code: EPS-GUNJAW
Gunja/Chirmi/Chirmi Seeds/Rosary Pea (9 PCS)
Product Description:
Beads are believed to be very lucky for those who wears them.
· According to the legends it is believed that these auspicious beads can chooses the person with whom they want to be.·
To get blessings from Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati these beads are used ·
Gives lots of Positive vibrations and. best to connect with positive energies.·
Monetary conditions are improved. Fame and success is attracted. Negativity and bad luck stays away from the person. Wisdom is developed.
· According to the legends it is believed that these auspicious beads can chooses the person with whom they want to be.
To get blessings from Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati these beads are used
To get blessings from Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati these beads are used
Gives lots of Positive vibrations and. best to connect with positive energies.
Gives lots of Positive vibrations and. best to connect with positive energies.
Monetary conditions are improved. Fame and success is attracted. Negativity and bad luck stays away from the person. Wisdom is developed.
Monetary conditions are improved. Fame and success is attracted. Negativity and bad luck stays away from the person. Wisdom is developed.