Sri Balraj was a native of Jolarpet, Tamil Nadu, and he is a staunch devotee of Guru Raghavendra. Before some years, he was unaware of Guru Raghavendra. When one of his friends had asked him to accompany with him to Mantralayam, initially he has hesitated to join with him, but after the repeated request made by his friend, somehow he has agreed to come with him to Mantralayam. They reached Mantralayam, and booked a lodge for them. After relaxing themselves for some time, both of them went inside the temple shrine of Guru Raghavendra. On seeing the Jeeva Samadhi of Guru Raghavendra, first Balraj had criticised the shrine, and also commented that the holy Shrine looked similar to the Sudalaimadan shrine. Few minutes later, Balraj felt that the holy shrine was swinging in a fast speed. To his great astonishment, he has asked his friend, whether the shrine was tied up with any ball bearing. On hearing his words, few devotees had approached him and praised him, and conveyed to him that he has got the blessings of Guru Raghavendra. His friend was also very happy with the divine incident, and that day night they have stayed in the lodge. During midnight, suddenly Balraj began to suffer from severe fever with high temperature. His friend began to pray to Guru Raghavendra on behalf of Balraj, and went to his bed.

Suddenly Balraj felt that someone had attacked him on his back, and he also felt that he had got relieved from his fever. First he thought that his friend might have done this, but after that, he had realised that the holy guru had knocked him on his back, in order to cure his sickness. He shared his wonderful experience with his friend also, and after returning to Chennai, nearby his home, he has started a Bhajana Mandali, and kept the picture of Guru Raghavendra, performed pujas, and began to conduct spiritual discourses on Guru Raghavendra during Thursdays. He has been doing this divine service for more than 20 years, and still he is doing that good job in a wonderful manner.

Let us praise the holy guru of MANTRALAYAM and be blessed.